Two-way Radios To Hunt Coyotes?
If you’ve never hunted coyotes with a group of hunters I strongly encourage you to give it a try. Here in Minnesota state law allows hunters to apply for a free permit that allows the taking of unprotected animals (see page 31 in the 2004 Minnesota Hunting regulations book). With this permit you can legally use two-way radios to communicate and coordinate a hunt or an attack.
By Minnesota law, it is unlawful to use radios or cellular telephones in the taking of big game or small game. But animals such as coyotes that are unprotected are fair game even with radios…but you have to seek the permit first.
To obtain a permit contact your regional Minnesota DNR Office at one of the following locations:
DNR Wildlife Office
(Northwest – Region 1)
2115 Birchmont Beach Rd., NE
Bemidji, MN 56601
DNR Wildlife Office
(Northeast – Region 2)
1201 E. Highway 2
Grand Rapids, MN 55744
DNR Wildlife Office
(Central – Region 3)
1200 Warner Rd.
St. Paul, MN 55106
DNR Wildlife Office
(South – Region 4)
261 Highway 15 South
New Ulm, MN 56073
The question often comes up doesn’t using radios constitute unfair chase? I suppose you could look at it this way, but the fact of the matter is these critters are unprotected for a reason. Even when using radios it can be a sometimes unimportant tool in achieving success. What it does, however, is keep everyone in the game plan. Often times when you are predator hunting you are not hunting in close proximity. In fact, two hunters might be a mile or more apart. Using radios allows everyone in the hunting party to coordinate a game plan and stick to it.
When January rolls around we’ll get into predator hunting and the use of two-way radios at greater depth, but for right now hunters need to coordinate their hunting parties and begin making application for the permits. When you contact your regional office simply ask for the “Application For Permit To Use Radio/Cellular Telephone Equipment To Assist In Taking Unprotected Wild Animals.” How’s that for a simple title? Typically you will need to declare your radio serial numbers and channels you plan to use, along with some pertinent personal information.
Generally the permits I’ve been getting are good for two years and they cover all the radio equipment that you own, if you declare it. Begin the process now because it can take two to three weeks to get the completed permit back. Good predator hunting can begin as early as mid-December, so it pays to act early.
© 2004 Jim Braaten. All Rights Reserved. No Reproduction without Prior Permission.