New Year’s Resolutions For 2007
In Roman Mythology Janus was the god of beginnings and endings and was thusly depicted in lore as a character with a double-faced head (one looking in opposite directions). This mythological character represented a time of transition in life…a chance to look back while also looking ahead. As you can probably conclude, the month of January is aptly named for this character and affords us a time in each of our lives to reflect back while carefully anticipating what the future might hold.
And so it brings me to my New Year’s Resolutions version 2007. Before I get into a bunch of goals for the upcoming months, let’s first take a look back to see how I did on last year’s resolutions. After all, highlighting the successes and failures of last year is what helps keep a person honest, wouldn’t you say? You can read the entire blog post by clicking here, but I will summarize the points as follows:
- Do a better job blogging (well, this was going pretty well up until about Labor Day or so. Sorry folks, I got out of the daily routine and found it increasingly difficult to allocate the time necessary to blog on a regular basis during the fall months.)
- 2006 was also to be a year of change in me not holding either my fishing camp or deer camp. (I failed miserably at both. Not only did I hold my regular fish and deer camps they were both quite memorable for all participants).
- I said goodbye to several friends who betrayed me and I pledged to do a better job appreciating all the loyal friends in life who are steadfast and stick with me in my endeavors. (for the most part I think I have succeeded in this one.)
- Get in better shape…get a complete physical which I hadn’t done in over 15 years. (well, I don’t know that I can say I achieved the getting in shape goal…because I certainly did not. But, thanks to my loving wife, I did see a doctor which was long overdue. Discovered I had no real health issues…except for the fact I need to lose some weight and get in better shape).
- Show my stepson the many wonders of life outdoors. (I did this…but certainly could have done an even better job. Now that he turns 10 and has received his first BB gun…he has an investment in wanting to discover more about the outdoors and learning to become an outdoorsman.)
- Take more pictures with my digital camera and post them on the web. (I think I did this…but wait until this year. Read my new resolutions for 2007.)
- Honor and celebrate the fact my ancestors arrived 150 years ago to this farm. (I think I did a pretty good job with this…I hosted a big family reunion that turned into a sesquicentennial celebration as well as hosted the Governor of MN for deer hunting on the farm in November.)
Okay, enough with the old…let’s get on with the new year by looking ahead. What are my resolutions for 2007?
- Do a better job blogging and with greater regularity. I know, I know…I say this every year. Believe me I honestly do give it my best effort. Some people read books for relaxation. Some people do woodworking or work on restoring cars to pass the time and relieve stress. I have tried to blog…and I dare say done a fairly decent job at that over the past couple of years. Oh, sure, there’s room for improvement and I certainly recognize that. Maybe this will be the year??!!??
- Do more freelance outdoors writing. Not just here on the blog…but seek out some new freelance writing and photography projects.
- Speaking of photography, I have also recently heavily invested in some professional DSLR camera equipment. I also pledge to do more quality outdoors photography and post it on the blog site.
- Podcasting. Yea, I know last year I started out with great intentions and it sort of fizzled. Discovered the way I was doing it was way too time consuming and lacked audience appeal. That has not deterred me in those efforts, however. In fact, I am gearing up and completing my broadcast studio that will incorporate some new state-of-the-art equipment to do telephone interviews with various outdoor experts. I hope to have this up and running by February…so stay tuned for a whole new effort in delivering an audio blog (or podcast).
- Of course, what would some New Years resolutions be without the perennial pledge to get into better shape and to take better care of my health. This year it WILL happen. Trust me.
© 2007 Jim Braaten. All Rights Reserved. No Reproduction Allowed Without Prior Permission.