Hypocrisy of PETA Currently On Trial
I hate PETA. In the past I have made my sentiments about this group perfectly clear…in my opinion this money-hungry group is one of the top enemies not only to the sportsman, but also to ranchers and to medical researchers. The very nature of the group promoting itself as a non-profit entity looking out for the welfare of those creatures without a voice is pure rubbish. In fact, maybe it’s time the actions of this group will finally lead to a public condemnation…but it won’t happen unless the sportsman community knows about it and spreads the word better.
You see this tackle box right here. It is filled with euthanizing drugs that two employees of PETA allegedly used to kill dozens of stray pets. That’s right. The organization that purports itself to be the champion of God’s creatures that do not have a voice or rights…well, apparently they killed several of those precious creatures and are now ironically on trial for cruelty (among other charges). Animal control shelters actually turned stray pets over to the PETA employees thinking the animals would find a home thanks to PETA’s efforts. They were mistaken.
The pets found a home alright. How about a final resting place in some dumpster behind a North Carolina grocery store. The store reported the regular occurrence of the dead animals showing up in the bin, so when the police staked out the scene eventually the killers showed up driving a white PETA-owned van with enough evidence possibly to convict the accused of a felony crime in North Carolina.
The trial is currently underway for the fourth day. If you are interested in the happenings you can Google “PETA trial” or follow the happenings at http://www.petakillsanimals.com/ where you will see a daily complete rundown of trial happenings.
This could become a major public relations nightmare for PETA, but I fear the general public is not being made aware of this news. Here is one of the wealthiest groups of its kind on trial for a flawed philosophy that is only good on paper, and not in practice. It’s not just the actions of these two employees who are on trial…it is the credibility and the public perception of the group they represent that really should take a major hit in the public’s eye.
Pet owners especially should be turned off to the actions of this organization. Under the guise of doing what’s right to find animals a new home…instead the two employees apparently operated a rolling slaughterhouse from the back of their van. And as if that wasn’t bad enough, they were so brazen to believe they could get away with dumping the animals in some trash bin behind a store.
No, sportsmen need to sit up and take a keen interest in what is currently happening with this trial. We need to spread the word about this event so it does not continue to occur under the news radar. If it was a conservation organization instead on trial for its wildly hypocritic actions the group would soon be dead in the water…as it should be. But I fear that won’t necessarily be the case with PETA no matter how this trial ends up.
If you surf to PETA’s website don’t expect to read anything newsworthy about the ongoing trial. Not a word neither supporting or denouncing the actions of its employees. You see…PETA just doesn’t seem to operate that way. This group doesn’t care to be burdened by recognizing the realm of reality. And as the trial heats up in the days to come…what’s at stake here is not two rogue employees so condemned by the organization’s leadership. Nope, it’s about an organization that time and facts will likely prove can’t even live up to its own principles or name.
© 2007 Jim Braaten. All Rights Reserved. No Reproduction Allowed Without Prior Permission.