Sportsman’s Blog Podcast Episode #7-2007

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With the Minnesota Fishing Opener now just a week away we turn to spending some time making sure the boat/motor/trailer is ready to go.   Actually, this is something we should have started last fall when we put the boat away for the season, but we all know how those things sometimes go.   After all, it’s easy to procrastinate, isn’t it?

Joining me today is Steve Floreck, director of special events for Crystal-Pierz Marine, located in several areas spread throughout Minnesota and one of the largest marine dealers in the U.S.   Steve’s many years of working in the marine industry, specifically in the service department, positions him to provide some great advice to everyone who owns a boat and plans to use it this year.   Consider today’s show to be a boating primer of what items need to be checked over before taking to the water.

We’ve all seen that sickening sight.   You’re driving along and there parked along side the road is a family pulling their boat to the lake, but now experiencing problems.   It could be a flat tire…it could be bearing problems…maybe a support holding the boat suddenly broke.   You drive by witnessing the frustration written all over their faces, while at the same time under your breath giving thanks the problem is theirs and not yours.

Today’s program offers up some pointers to ensure your summer boating season gets off to the right start.   Whether your boat is brand new or has several seasons of experience behind it, investing a small amount of time right now often pays very big dividends by eliminating potential frustrations later.

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2007 Jim Braaten. All Rights Reserved. No Reproduction without Prior Permission