State’s Trappers To Gather In Chisholm; Celebrate 50 Years At Convention

Trappers from throughout the Upper Midwest will be rendezvousing this weekend in Chisholm as they celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Minnesota Trappers Association.   The annual three-day convention has an assortment of activities planned ranging from how-to demonstrations geared toward trapping technique and fur handling, to various skill contests, auctions, tours, even a youth photo contest.   Among the educational presenters will be officials from both the Minnesota DNR and the University of Minnesota School of Public Health.

DATES:  August 14, 15, 16
LOCATION:  St. Louis County Fairgrounds, Chisholm, Minnesota
For a complete listing of convention activities and a detailed schedule, CLICK HERE.

The Minnesota Trappers Association was one of the first pro-trapping rights organizations to organize in the U.S.   Over the years the group has become the unified voice for the Minnesota trapper on many issues ranging from dealing with low fur prices, state and federal regulatory matters, conservation practices, as well as concerns regarding animal rights groups.

Today, the MTA has a major educational initiative underway known as the Mandatory Trapper Education Certification program.   Persons born after December 31, 1989, who have not been issued a trapping license in a previous license year, may not obtain a trapping license without a trapper education certificate.   It is volunteers from the Minnesota Trappers Associations who conduct these courses free of charge to beginning trappers.   Students must pass both a written and field competency test before a certificate will be issued.

For more information on a Minnesota trapping education class being taught near you, contact Deb Offerdahl at:

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