Minnesota Deer Hunters Assn Forkhorn Camp To Be Featured On Versus

Be sure to check this out.   These youth Forkhorn Camps run by the Minnesota Deer Hunters Association are second to none.   If you have a young boy or girl into the outdoors I would highly recommend this youth camp…and now you can check it out on TV:

MDHA Forkhorn Camp to be Featured on the North American Hunter Show

The Baker Near-Wilderness Settlement Summer Forkhorn Camp will be featured on TV this week!!!

The North American Hunter television did a show on a young girl who attended Forkhorn Camp to earn her firearms safety and then traveled to Illinois on her first hunt.  The show was filmed at last years camp.

The North American Hunter show airs on the Versus Channel:

Friday (8/13) at noon (Central Time)
Sunday (8/15) at 10:30 a.m. (Central Time)

Be sure to tune in!

©2010 Jim Braaten.  All Rights Reserved.  No Reproduction without Prior Permission.

Join Our New Fan Page on FACEBOOK

Hey folks, it’s becoming obvious to me that to succeed in this fast-evolving, social media marketing biz one must do lots of cross promotion across different sites.   For that reason I just launched a new Facebook page for readers to become a “fan” of in case you’re active on that social network.   Check it out and join…I NEED FANS!!!!!   

As an incentive, I’m sending out a Sportsman’s Blog cap to random followers on Facebook.   Each time I get 10 new followers(during the first 100) I will pick a random follower for the prize using www.random.org to discover the winner.   So, check us out on Facebook…what have you got to lose?   Your chances of winning are 1:10 while this contest lasts!!

©2010 Jim Braaten.  All Rights Reserved.  No Reproduction without Prior Permission.