Tell Me What You Think…Thumbs Up Or Thumbs Down

Okay, this promises to be a quick blog post.   One of the side benefits (I think) of being a blogger is folks will contact you with hopes you will write about their product.

Occasionally, I see a product that I absolutely must have.   At other times I see a product that could have some potential…but doesn’t really excite me enough to explore things further.   Then there are those times when I read about a product that simply has no value in the outdoors whatsoever.

Today, I was contacted by a product manufacturer called 5 o’clock Shadow which hails from Salt Lake City.   The concept being promoted is a hand-knitted face mask fashioned ala a beard.   That’s right…now hunters can sport that thick beard they’ve always been jealous they could not grow on their own.

Check out their website HERE.

Now, I’m going to be very honest with you.   At first glance I called a co-worker over saying “wait until you see this silly item.”   Then I started to think a bit more about it.   Heck, maybe these people are on to something…especially if a person wants to wear their favorite hat and that hat doesn’t allow for the more traditional stocking-cap style mask.

Help me out here…what do you folks think?   Do you give it  or  for a legitimate product with some value for the outdoors person.   Please leave your comments below.

©2011 Jim Braaten. All Rights Reserved. No Reproduction without Prior Permission.