Time To Reflect On Blogging Over These Past Nine Years
In just a few days my blog will be turning 9 years old. Wow! In blogging terms that seems like an old codger. Seriously, to be blogging for over 2 or 3 years in this fast-paced online world is rather amazing. So many blogs have come and gone and to stick with something for nearly a decade is quite an achievement, if you’ll allow me to toot my horn just a bit.

Feedly is a great Smartphone app and computer website to manage your blog feeds in one handy location.
But enough of that. Today, I did some housekeeping on my computer. I went through my Feedly program and reorganized all the blogs I follow and deleted some of the blogs that have fallen out of existence. I must say, what shocked me was how many blogs I used to follow and now they no longer exist. It seems like just yesterday how many of these blogs were posting on a fairly regular basis, but according to Feedly it had been over 600 days since the last post.
Amazing! Time really flies. And I realize how people’s live change. Heck, when I began this blog I lived a rather simply life—unmarried, just one job, lots of free time on my hands for outdoors activities. You know the routine. But life circumstances have a way of changing. Today, I’m married with two kids, busier with my career than ever before…and time seems to be a commodity in short supply most days.
Still, I do my best to find time for blogging. But obviously many other folks who give it a shot come to realize it takes a great deal of dedication and effort. Moreover, there are those days when you just don’t feel motivated to write so you have to make some big decisions. Do I write something for the sake of writing…or do I wait until I have a story to tell worth sharing? Many folks who blog I’m convinced simply want to see words appear on their screen daily and don’t care about the quality of their content.
That’s not me. I certainly do go through stretches when I don’t have much to say. In some cases my life gets so busy I just don’t have time to do anything outdoorsy worthy of writing about. Yet, I think my blog readers have come to expect and respect that about this blog. At least I hope so anyway.
As I approach this important milestone with Sportsman’s Blog I am making a more concerted effort to bring some new life to the content of these posts. I hope to add more exciting pictures, more video and perhaps a surprise or two. Furthermore, I am searching for some dedicated sponsors of this blog who want to partner and be part of this exciting world of outdoors blogging. There are some things in the works, and they will further enhance what this blog has long stood for in purpose.
As always, if you have suggestions for this blog I welcome your input. Honestly, I don’t write for me, I comprise this content for all of you. Anniversary’s are certainly times for celebrating accomplishments, but I also view them as an important time to decide where a person goes from that point forward. As always, I value your constructive input. Thanks for reading.
©2013 Jim Braaten. All Rights Reserved. No Reproduction without Prior Permission.