A Few Words About Guest Blogging On Sportsman’s Blog
Hi Jim,
   I’m contacting you today to determine what guest blogging opportunities exist for Sportsman’s Blog.  I have been writing a blog for the past few months over at CheckOutMyBlog.net and would really like to do a guest post on your blog in exchange for a link.  I’ve been a reader of your blog for several years and truly believe I have some valuable content that I can include on your blog to increase its value to your readers.
   I am open to specific blog post suggestions, however, my expertise is in the following topic areas:
- Kayaking
- Camping
- Trail riding
- Mountain biking
   I look forward to your response.  Keep up the great blogging effort!
Mr. I Wanna Blog 4U
Dear Mr. I Wanna Blog 4U,
Thank you for your kind words about Sportsman’s Blog and your sincere interest in being part of this online digital communication effort.  The mere fact you took the time to inquire about guest blogging opportunities on my blog is indeed quite flattering.
Unfortunately, I have had a policy now for nearly ten years running to not accept guest bloggers for several reasons I would like to outline.
Since day one this blog has been a personal effort sharing my own particular thoughts and outdoors knowledge.  While I value diversity in outdoors opinion and information, I feel that most of my readers come to this blog site to learn what is on MY MIND and to share in some of my outdoors discoveries.  To broaden that scope by having multiple authors posting is not in my blog’s marketing or editorial plans.
Furthermore, I understand how many folks value guest blogging as a way of building audiences for their own blogs through link building activities.  This SEO practice has worked wildly successful for some folks in the past, but my understanding is Google is now cracking down on such efforts and will penalize participants who engage in this audience building practice.  That being said, I do not see any value in link building at this time and choose not to risk being penalized in the future for engaging in this out-dated SEO practice.
Finally, and perhaps most importantly, I take great personal pride in my blogging efforts and having done so on this site for nearly 10 years running.  Someday when I reflect back on my meager accomplishment in the blogging world I don’t want to say I owe anyone else partial credit for this effort.  I strongly encourage anyone who wants to blog to create their own blog and start writing.  Work hard and begin to make a name for yourself.  I promise you the longer you keep at the effort the stronger your resolve will be not to allow others to become involved in any way.
In closing, I want to sincerely thank you for taking the time out of your day to contact me about any potential guest blogging opportunities on Sportsman’s Blog.  Please do not take my lack of cooperation on your request as a rejection, instead it should be viewed as an encouragement to make your own literary mark in this digital world by not coat tailing on to someone else’s effort.  If you truly believe you have the skills it takes to blog, then you’re doing yourself a disservice by directing those skills on any blog other than the one you personally own.
Best regards,
Jim Braaten
©2014 Jim Braaten. All Rights Reserved. No Reproduction without Prior Permission.