Mail Call: Inside That Black Box On An Outdoors Writer’s Desk
Over the past 30 years as an outdoors writer I’ve seen some pretty cool press kits cross my desk. On the other hand, most press kits delivered by the post office lack any real motivation to even open the package. In fact, most press materials I’ve seen are more apt to elicit a yawn rather than a yee-haw!
So, when a big black box lands on my desk delivered by FEDEX it sort of sticks out and grabs your attention. Let’s open the box together and see what’s inside.

Interesting box…nothing flashy…feels rather light. Let’s get this thing open and find out what’s inside.

As I’m cutting the tape I see it is advertising some programming coming up in two weeks on both the Outdoor Channel and Sportsman Channel. Hmmm… what could be inside?

Oh wait! There’s a card inside. Almost opens like a gift…after all, aren’t we used to getting a gift card from the recipient before an actual gift is exposed?

I see a repeated theme being developed. Starting to think HASHTAG #DEERWEEK is supposed to have some significance during the days and weeks to come.

Let’s dig a bit deeper to see what else is inside this box. Hmmm…looks like multiple items of potential interest.

First, a can koozie. What self-respecting outdoors writer couldn’t use that at their desk to keep their…ahem, soda pop cool? Nice touch!

Hmmm…a cell phone accessory. Must admit I have seen people use these…but not quite sure what they accomplish. Something more to play with at my desk.

Okay, you had to know THIS thumb drive would be in there somewhere. It seems after the past dozen or so years PR folks have figured out that a USB flash drive is much more valuable than a packet full of printed materials.

After all…on the thumb drive you can put logos (in many different formats), include photos and even promotional videos.

But alas, here is the real crème de la crème for spending time digging through the box. On the very bottom was this reward of venison jerky. What sort of writer wouldn’t want to be chewing on a hunk of savory flesh while promoting #DEERWEEK
So, there you have it…the complete contents of a modern outdoors press kit. Thanks for spending a few minutes to dig through the contents with me. Now, start using the #DEERWEEK hashtag on your related social media posts. Also, mark your calendars for October 15-21 during the evenings starting at 7pm.
In case you haven’t noticed…it’s FALL and time to start getting excited about doing the sort of things we all enjoy doing outdoors! Best of luck!